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Beauty and inspiration with every new tab you open in Chrome!

Fully Integrated with Chrome

Good Morning - New Tab works perfectly with your Chrome browser. Install once, then enjoy beautiful photos and inspirational quotes every time you open a tab. Enter your name for a personalized greeting.

Embrace Tranquility

Every time you open a new tab, you’ll see a beautiful background in Chrome. The relaxing photos often feature nature scenes and are refreshed daily.

Stay Inspired

Enjoy a new inspirational quote at the bottom of every new Chrome tab.

Keep Tabs on the Weather

Always know the forecast with the Good Morning - New Tab Chrome extension. You’ll find updated weather info for your location in the top left corner of the screen.

Keep Your Chrome Tabs Tidy

Quick links to your apps, bookmarks, cloudHQ apps, and Good Karma (donation site for the Red Cross) are kept at the top right of your screen.

Good Karma Link to the Red Cross

Click the Good Karma link and you’ll be taken directly to the Red Cross donation page.

100% Free for Anyone Using Gmail

Good Morning - New Tab is 100% free for anyone with Gmail or a business email hosted by G Suite.

How Are People Like Me Using Good Morning - New Tab?

Daily Inspiration

Good Morning - New Tab is a great way to keep things positive every day. The beautiful pictures and quotes will help you re-center during the day.


Turn your cluttered Chrome experience into something calming and organized. All your bookmarks and apps are just a click away. You can also access your cloudHQ dashboard with just one click.

Weather Updates

No need to search for weather updates. You can keep abreast of current temperature and precipitation in every new tab. Never forget to bring an umbrella again!